The problem: Hunger
people suffer from hunger every day.
of them in rural regions around the world.
Every 13 sec.
a child under the age of 5 dies
»If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla stock right now and do it.«
Elon Musk
Fact check:
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) October 30, 2021
🔹 2% of @elonmusk's wealth is $6B
🔹 In 2020 the UN World Food Program (WFP) raised $8.4B. How come it didn't "solve world hunger"?
the sustainable solution
Machinery ring boss Erwin Ballis says the concept of the shared economy is the way to fight malnutrition worldwide!
Only agriculture can feed humanity. We would use $6 billion to set up 400,000 machinery rings in Africa and share knowledge and machines with people. This is how we would combat the problem of world nutrition where it arises.
The most effective idea we can come up with is:
With the World Food Programme:
Distribute enough food every day for a year.
With agriculture:
Produce enough food where it is needed, forever and ever.
Share and support our project
Bundesverband der Maschinenringe e.V.
Am Maschinenring 1, 86633 Neuburg
+49 8431 6499-0
The MR Organisation
We have not used gender-related formulations in the interest of readability.